Article header

Header used in articles. Up to three labels as links can be added and used as breadcrumbs

55,000 hours worked on the project and there have been zero recordable HSE cases

Article - Landing page

Article module. The purpose of this module is to convey as much information as possible by using the available rich text editor. It has a side card to highlight important facts. If the fields for the side card are left empty the card won't be shown and the article will be center aligned.

It’s time to dolor measure vesti lopus therus vito benefit

Describe a goal in an active manner that the reader should want to accomplish

It’s 2021, why is this a triggering title?

Ex lectus. Duis elementum semper velit vel pulvinar. Nunc quam nisl, venenatis vel mauris et, porttitor faucibus purus. Aenean sed blandit massa, eget ullamcorper odio. Duis tempor non tellus tempus congue. Curabitur in malesuada elit.

Cillum iste so magnam.

Odit aperiam culpa quia, incididunt but illo, yet laboriosam. Eos corporis. Commodo quisquam. Consequat cillum or esse quis. Consequatur esse. Consequatur error ipsa. Iure dolorem, but quisquam cillum consequatur and totam. Excepteur explicabo adipisicing, consectetur, but consectetur, modi. Do ea. Eius dicta. Quae cillum excepteur. Veniam. Sint tempora, culpa enim exercitationem nequeporro. Suscipit reprehenderit. Odit aperiam culpa quia, incididunt but illo, yet laboriosam. Eos corporis.

State a gain you can reach in an active sense — use this highly helpful on something you want to achieve.

Article with CTA

Article with CTA list and slighty larger text

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui lobortis.

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam. Tempora ad yet excepteur so aliquip or laboriosam or iste. Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam.

Article with statistic

It allows the client to specify a beginning paragraph for an article and a statistic

With sustainability at the core your benefit magnis dis turpis, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam. Tempora ad yet excepteur so aliquip or laboriosam or iste. Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam.

Vestibulum feugiat nisl mauris, ac tincidunt lobortis vitae preasant.

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam. Tempora ad yet excepteur so aliquip or laboriosam or iste. Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam.


of sustainable value lorem is gain for you

12 Minutes well spent


Plain info

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui lobortis.

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam. Tempora ad yet excepteur so aliquip or laboriosam or iste. Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam.

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam. Tempora ad yet excepteur so aliquip or laboriosam or iste. Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam.

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui lobortis.

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam. Tempora ad yet excepteur so aliquip or laboriosam or iste. Natus laboriosam.

This is a quote. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt.

  • List item
  • List item
  • List item
  • List item

Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam.

Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam. Tempora ad yet excepteur so aliquip or laboriosam or iste. Natus laboriosam. Natus esse. Sed nesciunt deserunt qui. Deserunt consequuntur or eos but aperiam yet quasi. Cillum iste so magnam.

Back navigation

Simple navigation module. It is used to send the visitor back to a certain page, usually an overview page.

The module has the option to be put in a narrower container.

Banner with background image

In this module you can choose the #hashtag color to one of the themes.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 2400px x 1200px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Placeholder banner with background image
Placeholder banner with background image

How to assure sustainable value creation for your offshore challenge?

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae consequat tempor.

See our response

Cards - Main

Module contains a maximum of three cards

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 720px x 540px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Building your success means we work



Assure sustainable value creation for your offshore challenge.



Over fifty years experience in developing complex and innovative solutions.



Assure sustainable value creation for your offshore challenge.

Cards - Team Stories

The module contains an optional section title and multiple cards with team stories, each of them including a visual, the person's name, a subtitle/team name and a description.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1120px x 840px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

A few words from
your future co-workers

Placeholder team stories
Boy Cortol

Team Fabrication

“Short paragraph. Donec pretium lacus ac elementum egestas. Suspendisse semper est nec dolor eleifend, sit amet vehicula leo semper. Suspendisse vitae tortor quam.

Donec pretium lacus ac elementum egestas. Suspendisse semper est nec dolor eleifend, sit amet vehicula leo semper. Suspendisse vitae tortor quam.”

Placeholder team stories
Joris Verheinlo

Team Engineering

“Short paragraph. Donec pretium lacus ac elementum egestas. Suspendisse semper est nec dolor eleifend, sit amet vehicula leo semper. Suspendisse vitae tortor quam.

Donec pretium lacus ac elementum egestas.

Placeholder team stories
Laila Hazimi

Team Innovation

“Short paragraph. Donec pretium lacus ac elementum egestas. Suspendisse semper est nec dolor eleifend, sit amet vehicula leo semper. Suspendisse vitae tortor quam.

Donec pretium lacus ac elementum egestas. Suspendisse semper est nec dolor eleifend, sit amet vehicula leo semper. Suspendisse vitae tortor quam.”


This module is used to give the client a means to contact. It has an optional card where additional info can be added. If the fields of the card are left empty, the card will be removed and the form will be centered.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1240px x 920px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

"Donec dictum diam ac felis placerat tempor. Aenean eget massa vel risus lobortis mollis eu eget augue."

Micha Lokkor

International Account Manager

Contact us

We’ll reply within 1 working day.

We’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, if you consent. In order to provide you the content requested, we need to store and process your personal data.

Core values

Presentation module. It is used to highlight the core values of the company. It has an option to show or hide thumbnails.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1100px x 1100px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Young Heerema stands for


Aaliquet rhoncus quam etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Aaliquet rhoncus quam etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Aaliquet rhoncus quam etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Aaliquet rhoncus quam etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Aaliquet rhoncus quam etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Aaliquet rhoncus quam etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.

CTA - Banner

Simple cta banner

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1200px x 900px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Let’s talk about your challenge.

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.

CTA banner - alternative

The module contains a visual and a section with title, description and a maximum of 2 buttons/CTAs.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 520px x 640px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

The State of Offshore Wind - 2021 edition

Read about all there is to know.

It’s 20 minutes time well spent

CTA Banner - simple

The module displays a title and a link/button/CTA

Want to know more about the changes for your offshore construction?

Talk with a specialist

CTA banner with form

It is used on contact pages to help the visitor get in contact with the team.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1800px x 1800px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Let’s talk about your challenge

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate.

We’ll reply within 1 working day.

CTA - landing page download

The module contains an optional title, a section with information about a resource and a form.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 520px x 640px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

The State of Offshore Wind -
2021 Edition

Placeholder resource

Grab your copy

We are committed to respect your privacy. We’ll only send you valuable information. One-click unsubscribe at any time.

CTA - Media

This modules is used to give the visitors a visual aid, before making a decision. It presents the content in a visually pleasing manner.

It has options for 2 optional small thumbnails, a big image, gif or video that can loop in autoplay.

Video can be youtube or internal mp4

Also, the inline video has a checkbox option to choose if the video should loop or not.

Visual guidelines

Visual big / Autoplay video
Dimensions 1400px x 1300px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Visual small thumbnail
Dimensions 320px x 420px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Skilled and talented people are the key to our success

Placeholder Placeholder


In this module you add each card manually.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 520px x 693px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

One company three divisions


Marine Contractors

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Fabrication Group

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Engineering Solutions

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.

FAQ with CTA

List of foldable text and a CTA on the right side. If CTA is not filled in, the FAQ element is moved to the middle.

If there is more than one group of questions, a filter will be shown

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 720px x 540px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Recently answered questions

What’s the destimo ulot volor minus detirati?

In a digital world distance does not exist. But how do you realise enough trust to do business at a distance? Your digital identity and personal data are your most valuable. In a digital world distance does not exist.

Read more
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus?

In a digital world distance does not exist. But how do you realise enough trust to do business at a distance? Your digital identity and personal data are your most valuable. In a digital world distance does not exist.

Read more
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus?

In a digital world distance does not exist. But how do you realise enough trust to do business at a distance? Your digital identity and personal data are your most valuable. In a digital world distance does not exist.

Read more
Explore the FAQ-with-cta

Need a specific answer? Let us help.

Rob van Hiddelo

Business Manager

Schedule a call

Foldable text

It allows the client to provide explanations for some concepts. The explanation becomes visible when the title is clicked.

What needs explanation?

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque at ex lectus. Duis elementum semper velit vel pulvinar. Nunc quam nisl. venenatis vel mauris et, porttitor faucibus purus. Aenean sed blandit massa, eget ullamcorper odio. Duis tempor non tellus tempus congue.

Header - Highlight

Presentation module. It shows what’s the page about in an attractive way. It starts from the top of the page, navigation module being on top of this module.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 2880px x 1428px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Main image
Dimensions 120px x 120px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Offshore wind

What can be expected for offshore construction during the energy transition?

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

24 min. reading time

Featured authors
Koos-Jan van Brouwershaven

CEO of Heerema

Petra Thomasson

Commercial Manager

Header - Alternative

Text can be centered or left aligned. Background can be white or light grey.

Customer projects

Stories from the companies we’ve worked with

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Header - Main

The visual can be an image or a video.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 2400px x 1344px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Making the impossible possible offshore

We solve offshore challenges to safely operate at greater depths and in tougher environments for energy-related industries.



Short description of the module

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1120px x 632px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Dive image
Dimensions 320px x 320px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Introduction text

We co-operate on complex offshore projects by exchange of expertise and talent

Join the world leading companies that trusted us with their offshore challenge

Let’s talk

Key features

This module is used to highlight a few key features and add a short description.

Key features


xxxxxx kg/m3

xxxxxx kg/m3


xxxxxx kg/m3

xxxxxx kg/m3


xxxxxx kg/m3

xxxxxx kg/m3

When it comes to the main benefit of this type of vessel, you’ll read it here

Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin. Sed vestibulum odio neque, id blandit enim ultrices ut. Quisque consequat risus sed diam auctor sagittis. Fusce congue nunc ut finibus dapibus. Aliquam ultrices elit enim, sed tristique metus eleifend eu.

Latest news

Slider that lists latest news. It pulls in latest news articles. Selection for blog and topic is also possible

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 320px x 320px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Latest news

Listing - benefits

Presentation module. The module displays a list of benefits.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 720px x 404px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .svg, .jpeg or .png - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Benefits from working
at Heerema

Amet dolor ipsum maestro bulum

Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Link to rich content
Amet dolor ipsum maestro bulum

Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Link to rich content
Amet dolor ipsum maestro bulum

Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Link to rich content
Amet dolor ipsum maestro bulum

Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Link to rich content
Amet dolor ipsum maestro bulum

Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Link to rich content
Amet dolor ipsum maestro bulum

Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Link to rich content

Listing - cards

Presentation module. The module displays a list of benefits.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 720px x 404px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .svg, .jpeg or .png - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Create lorem value ipsu challenge benefit

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Second benefit you can lorem dolor

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.


Value for company is ipsu amet vesti

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.

Listing - cards alternative

Presentation module. The module displays a list of benefits.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 720px x 540px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .svg, .jpeg or .png - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.



Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin.

Barge type

Listing - certificates

Presentation module. It is used to showcase certificates. Each certificate has an optional link.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 160px x 160px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .svg, .png, .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Listing - expertises

Presentation module.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 928px x 696px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .svg, .jpeg or .png - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

“Donec dictum diam ac felis placerat tempor. Aenean eget massa vel risus lobortis mollis eu eget augue.”

Benji Lortumas

International Account Manager

Listing - Industry challenges

Module that highlights a list of challenges. An optional visual is available to give a visual information about these challenges.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1000px x 1840px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Listing - knowledge

It displays a list of knowledge items. They are loaded from HubDB.

It can be chosen the number of items displayed on a page, the rest of them being available through the pagination.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1120px x 632px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Explore more items

Listing - logos

Presentation module. It is used to showcase clients/partners logos. Each logo has an optional link to send the visitor to the client/partner website.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 240px x 180px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .svg, .jpeg or .png - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

You’ll be in good company

We’ve worked with 2.000+ organisations, big and small.

Read the stories of others

Listing team

This module showcases the members of the company.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 720px x 540px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Meet a few of our team

Koos-Jan Brouwershaven


Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor. Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor.

Connect on LinkedIn

A few articles written by Koos-Jan

What can be expected for offshore construction during the energy transition? How Heerema is contributing to a more sustainable offshore industry for everyone?
Sarah Killoh

Communications Officer

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor. Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor.

Connect on LinkedIn

A few articles written by Sarah

What can be expected for offshore construction during the energy transition? How Heerema is contributing to a more sustainable offshore industry for everyone?
Pieter Thomasson

Commercial Manager

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor. Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor.

Connect on LinkedIn

A few articles written by Pieter

What can be expected for offshore construction during the energy transition? How Heerema is contributing to a more sustainable offshore industry for everyone?
Anthony Flevez

Business Development Manager

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor. Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor.

Connect on LinkedIn
Michiel Pors

Commercial Manager

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor. Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor.

Connect on LinkedIn
Vincent Doedéet

Sustainability Officer

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor. Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Vestibulum dolor donec consequat tempor.

Connect on LinkedIn

Listing - topics

It presents a list of authors and a list of topics. The column of authors can be placed on the left or on the right. The module can have a white or a light grey background.

The topic type is highlighted with an accent line – the color matches the company division.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 200px x 200px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Listing - Solutions big

Image and description with an optional CTA

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1120px x 840px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Offshore wind

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis velit congue efficitur luctus.

Listing - Solutions

Links the right are default links, with extra functionality: When hovering on them, the image above them changes

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1000px x 630px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

No matter the location or complexity.

Heerema Group helps design, construct, transport, install and remove offshore facilities. We manage the entire supply chain of offshore construction, from design through to completion.


Presentation module. Listing the office locations

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1120px x 630px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Heerema operates globally

Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam.
Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices.


Office in Leiden

Cras nunc purus, euismod sit amet venenatis nec, elementum a dolor. Donec tempus risus non ipsum scelerisque, eu porta est feugiat. Maecenas sed est urna. Cras a iaculis lacus. Fusce scelerisque urna sed lectus vestibulum, ut mattis diam blandit. Mauris finibus libero diam, vel commodo nisl dictum mollis.

Link to rich content

Office in city

Cras nunc purus, euismod sit amet venenatis nec, elementum a dolor. Donec tempus risus non ipsum scelerisque, eu porta est feugiat. Maecenas sed est urna. Cras a iaculis lacus. Fusce scelerisque urna sed lectus vestibulum, ut mattis diam blandit. Mauris finibus libero diam, vel commodo nisl dictum mollis.

Link to rich content

Office in city

Cras nunc purus, euismod sit amet venenatis nec, elementum a dolor. Donec tempus risus non ipsum scelerisque, eu porta est feugiat. Maecenas sed est urna. Cras a iaculis lacus. Fusce scelerisque urna sed lectus vestibulum, ut mattis diam blandit. Mauris finibus libero diam, vel commodo nisl dictum mollis.

Link to rich content


The module contains can contain an image, gif or a video, that has an option to loop or not, and an optional caption.

The lines artwork can be aligned to left or right using the provided option.

Visual guidelines

Main image / Autoplay video
Dimensions 1520px x 1140px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

As told in 90 seconds by Koos-Jan van Brouwershaven, our CEO.


Presentation module. Present the content in a visually pleasing manner.

Visual guidelines

Main image / Autoplay video
Dimensions 720px x 540px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Media Slider

In this module you can choose the line color to one of the themes.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 2400px x 1200px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Optional description for this image

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque.

Another description for the image

Vestibulum at urna augue. Lorem tincidunt odio ut neque.

Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder

Media with card

In this module you can choose the line color to one of the themes. The background can be a video or an image

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 2400px x 1200px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Offshore wind

Peredino IX

The structure jacket is made to withstand the turbulent conditions approximately 85 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

See our response

Media with checklist

Presentation module. Present the content in a visually pleasing manner. It has options to add an image, gif or video. The video can be set to loop or not.

Video can be youtube or mp4

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1120px x 1120px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Get your organisation prepared for the 2025 Energy Transition

  • Listing of a meaningful conclusion or a question that will be answered in this offer lorem ipsum dolor.
  • Listing of a meaningful conclusion or a question that will be answered in this offer lorem ipsum dolor.
  • Listing of a meaningful conclusion or a question that will be answered in this offer lorem ipsum dolor.
  • Listing of a meaningful conclusion or a question that will be answered in this offer lorem ipsum dolor.
  • Listing of a meaningful conclusion or a question that will be answered in this offer lorem ipsum dolor.

Media with quote

Short description of the module

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 1000px x 750px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
The expertise to work in complex lorem dolor amus our situation and increased vesti major with 30%.
James McDown Head of Innovation - Blue Wave
See why company works with Heerema


This module fetches cards from the HubDB table. When creating the module, you can choose if you want to filter the cards by "Type of industry" or add specific carts one by one

At Heerema we walk the talk.

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.

Explore all projects

Resources - highlight

This module showcases resources highlights. These resources are loaded from Blog / HubDB tables / manually.

Visual guidelines

Main image
Dimensions 712px x 492px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Insights on industry topics

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio.

Explore all our insights

Site navigation - simple

Global module. This is a simplified version of the main navigation. Contains the logo and an optional CTA. The global logo and its link can be overwritten at page level using the Page settings module. Also from the Page settings module, it can be activated a transparent navigation.

Visual guidelines

Dimensions 144px x 180px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .svg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Get in touch!


Present statistics and other metrics in a clean and eye catching way. The module has an alternative version with a blue background.

Heerema commitments


saved kg/m3 carbon


reduction of costs


kWh saved each day


customer rating

Summary text

The module contains a summary box and an optional link to navigate back to a page.

In short

  • Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices.
  • Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.
  • Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo.
  • Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo. volutpat vitae.
Back to news

Text checklist - with slider box

This module can be used to present a list of highlights/benefits/features. It has a slider to emphasize that list that also improves the user experience.

Visual guidelines

Slider image
Dimensions 1120px x 808px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Take a peek

Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder

What to expect?

  • Beneficial argument number one from a what’s in it for me standpoint

    Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices.

  • Beneficial argument number one from a what’s in it for me standpoint

    Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices.

  • Beneficial argument number one from a what’s in it for me standpoint

    Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices.

Text - Divider

The module contains text in a rounded box.

Learn the effects of this strategic gain to have most impact

Text and image with video

Presentation module. Present the content in a visually pleasing manner. It has options to place the image, gif or video to the left or right of the screen, to add buttons and a video.

Video can be youtube or internal mp4

Also, the inline video has a checkbox option to choose if the video should loop or not.

Visual guidelines

Main image/Autoplay Video
Dimensions 1000px x 1080px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

Main introduction on the topic from a strategic benefit or perspective

Aaliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae consequat tempor odio lorum ipsum dolor.


As told in 90 seconds by Koos-Jan van Brouwershaven, our CEO.

Text with benefits

The module contains a text column with an optional quote and a second column which is a list of benefits. The benefits list can be replaced by a simple rich text editor block.

Visual guidelines

Dimensions 140px x 140px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.
Benefit image
Dimensions 200px x 200px
Color mode: RGB
Resolution 72 dpi
Save for web .jpeg - ~95% image quality
Size It is recommended to be as small as possible
in order to get faster load times.

At a glance

  • Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper
  • Tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper
  • Fusce congue nunc ut finibus
  • Tincidunt odio ut neque metus eleifend
  • Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio.
  • Vesti uisque tincidunt odio ullam.
Avatar text with benefits

“Donec dictum diam ac felis placerat tempor. Aenean eget massa vel risus lobortis mollis eu eget augue.”

Jane Doe

Accountmanager Blue House Experts

The Heerema promise

Placeholder text with benefits
Sustainable value creation

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin. Sed vestibulum odio neque id blandit enim ultrices.

Placeholder text with benefits
Reliable in complexity

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin. Sed vestibulum odio neque id blandit enim ultrices.

Placeholder text with benefits
Safe for people

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin. Sed vestibulum odio neque id blandit enim ultrices.

Text with form

The module contains a text section and a form section.

How can decommissioning be more circular?

What to expect?

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin. Sed vestibulum odio neque, id blandit enim ultrices ut. Quisque consequat risus sed diam auctor sagittis.


Aliquam erat ipsum, porta at tellus non, aliquet rhoncus quam. Etiam eget dui in enim feugiat ultrices. Donec consequat tempor odio, id vulputate leo volutpat vitae.

Vestibulum at urna augue. Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin. Sed vestibulum odio neque, id blandit enim ultrices ut. Quisque consequat risus sed diam auctor sagittis. Fusce congue nunc ut finibus dapibus. Aliquam ultrices elit enim, sed tristique metus eleifend eu.

White Paper

Yes, I want my copy

37 pages | 55 minutes reading

We’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy..From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, if you consent. In order to provide you the content requested, we need to store and process your personal data.


Listing module. It presents the list of available job positions in a structured manner.


Quisque tincidunt odio ut neque ullamcorper, a porttitor ante sollicitudin. Oodio ut neque vestibulum.

Schedule a call
Business Development Manager

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque at ex lectus. Duis elementum semper velit vel pulvinar. Nunc quam nisl. venenatis vel mauris et, porttitor faucibus purus. Aenean sed blandit massa, eget ullamcorper odio. Duis tempor non tellus tempus congue.

Learn more
Inside Sales Specialist

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque at ex lectus. Duis elementum semper velit vel pulvinar. Nunc quam nisl. venenatis vel mauris et, porttitor faucibus purus. Aenean sed blandit massa, eget ullamcorper odio. Duis tempor non tellus tempus congue.

Learn more
Lead Innovation

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque at ex lectus. Duis elementum semper velit vel pulvinar. Nunc quam nisl. venenatis vel mauris et, porttitor faucibus purus. Aenean sed blandit massa, eget ullamcorper odio. Duis tempor non tellus tempus congue.

Learn more
Senior CAD Engineer

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque at ex lectus. Duis elementum semper velit vel pulvinar. Nunc quam nisl. venenatis vel mauris et, porttitor faucibus purus. Aenean sed blandit massa, eget ullamcorper odio. Duis tempor non tellus tempus congue.

Learn more
Vessel Production Manager

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque at ex lectus. Duis elementum semper velit vel pulvinar. Nunc quam nisl. venenatis vel mauris et, porttitor faucibus purus. Aenean sed blandit massa, eget ullamcorper odio. Duis tempor non tellus tempus congue.

Learn more